Saturday, July 30, 2011

Enriched Life

There been a while I'm away from this blog. My time was fully occupied by all the beloved assignments, reports and quiz. What an enriched life I have in UCSI. I'm glad that one of the tough assignment had just done with a satisfied outcome. Now, there is another one to go and final exam is just around the corner. The time just passed like a plane pass through from the sky. It's too fast, too fast... until you can't even catch it. This hectic life somehow make me have no good rest and even dreamed on the task given. How terrible it is. However, I'm still grateful and thankful that I'm given all this opportunities: from the structure and bunny drawing for biochemistry assignment, from the video preparation still the presentation for food chemistry assignment, from the process still the end of the food fairs, from the proposal and poster preparation until the poster presentation for research methodology assignment and now the assignment for microbiology. I'm given lotsss chances to learn and explore. I must say that Faculty of Applied Sciences' students rock! We had done something amazing! Food fairs and research methodology assignment especially. Lots of time and efforts sacrificed for that.
This period changed me a lot too. May be you never notice but I found I had changed a lot in my temper throughout this period. It's told by a friend that I'm a strict person. I think I'm hot temper rather than strict. I always lost control in my temper when I get frustrated and irritated with the work done received that unable to satisfy me. I had tried to control my hot temper recently and I'm still learning. Now, I gave myself 80% in controlling my hot temper. Sorry to those who had became the "mangsa" during the time I frustrated. I'm still in learning to cool myself down at the moment I get irritate.
Okay, that's all for this post. I shall back to my assignment. For you who are reading this, thanks for spending your time to read my crap. xp

Saturday, July 16, 2011




Thursday, July 7, 2011

Nerve connection wrongly xp

U-ma-mi? Unagi? Udon? hmmm... ... This three words gave lots of fun and light up my day. :P
May be udon eat with unagi and umami as sauce would be nice? xp

Another hot topic recently. Yes! T-R-A-N-S-F-O-R-M-E-R
Who is transformer's parent? is Transparent!
Transformer pay for something? is Transaction!
When transformer get a script? is Transcript!
When transformer meet each other? is Transmit!
When transformer sit? is Transit!
When transformer is late? is Translate!
When transformer migrate? is Transmigrate!
When transformer got its fur? is Transfer!
When transformer go to a port? is Transport!
How about if transformer have sex? -->Transsexual xp

YES! I'm not very okay. "Umami", "Unagi", "Udon" and "transformer" only which are keep running in my mind. >.<