Monday, June 25, 2012

Butter or Margarine

An interesting lesson i have learnt in Food Technology lecture today. 

Butter or margarine? Which one you'll choose? I think most people used to choose margarine because it's more healthy. Don't you? Hmmm.... Is WRONG! Is it actually for you to choose which way you wish to die. Die fast? Or die slow? 

Butter vs Margarine  =   Die slower vs Die faster

Polyunsaturated fats in butter caused cancer. Margarine also contains trans fatty acid lead to stroke and heart disease. Cancer = Die slower. Stroke / heart disease = die faster.

The ending for either choice is still the same. So now, your choice. Butter or margarine? xD

Friday, June 8, 2012

Lovelife Documentary 紀錄片

Lovelife 纪录片背后的意义:
這是紀錄了三位十五歲少女勇敢面對生命的故事,她們雖然罹患了骨癌⋯但是她們想用自己的故事,幫助留在世上的所有人⋯完整紀錄家彣、Dora、奕華這三位小天使三年半的紀­錄片,希望您看完之後,可以更加熱愛自己的生命⋯如果有了能力後開始幫助別人、幫助這個世界!也請您把影片傳出去,讓更多人也可以得到這份、來自上帝賜給我們的禮物⋯lo­velife 4 ever.  (摘自:黑人-陈建州) 

The story behind Lovelife documentary: 
This is a documentary about three 15 year old girls, and their brave journey in life. All three of these girls were diagnosed with terminal bone cancer, but instead of waiting to die, they chose to use their story to inspire others. We took 3 1/2 years to document the story of Dora, Yi-Hwa and Chia-Wen, hopefully after you watch it, not only will you appreciate your life more, but you will realize that you also have the power to help others. Please help us forward this documentary to others, so that more people can receive this gift from God. Love Life 4 ever. (Cited from: Blackie)

这纪录片是长了一些, 但它绝对值得我们每一个人花这一个小时的时间用心去聆听、体会及了解这些抗癌小天使为我们带来的讯息。他们是多么地热爱生命,在面对生死边沿的瞬间,是如此地勇敢。

Monday, June 4, 2012



那一年的夏 我的夢好長

星星陪我 看懂了 迷惘和希望
那就帶我瘋 那就帶我狂

愛是一道不滅 溫暖的光

我用微笑 迎接美麗的光

那一年的夏 我的夢好長

星星陪我 看懂了 迷惘和希望
那就帶我瘋 那就帶我狂

愛是一道不滅 溫暖的光

我用微笑 迎接美麗的光

愛是一道不滅 溫暖的光

我用微笑 迎接美麗的光

我找到了 你們肯定的目光

在每个人的人生旅程当中,总会有一些人会在背后一直默默地支持我们。因为有了这些人的支持、肯定,我们在奔往梦想的路上少了点顾虑,多了份勇气。这些人的目光,就是我们的太阳, 对我们放射窝心的光芒。我们用满满的温暖和感激,脸带微笑地拥抱这些驱使我们努力的人们,并且感受他们给我们带来的一道道将我们包围的幸福光芒。更用我们努力换来的成果给予他们回报。


Monday, March 19, 2012

Random Post

Dinner tonight: curry fish
My first ever curry fish... Yummy. But it tasted too lemak though.

Next, it's the birthday week of the two cuties:

My adorable nephew

and my lovely niece.

Happy Blessed 1st Birthday two little cute one. :D

Sunday, March 18, 2012


人家说:时间可以证明一切。 何止?时间,它也足以改变一切。。。 两年后的今天,一切已经有别于昔日。今时不同于往日,时间证明了我们根本经不起考验。时间告诉我,要重见两年前那温馨的画面可说是蛮困难的。。。 我们从陌生到无话不谈,再从无话不谈到仅仅是合作的伙伴;久而久之,会再打回原形成为相见不相识的陌生人吗?我自己也不敢去预测太多。。。 就让时间将就一切吧。

或许,从一开始我根本就不需要如此投入。现在,此时此刻我所在的地方根本就不是我的世界,不是我的理想国度。时间到,我就会离开,回到一个属于我的地方。此时此刻的我,只希望时间可以过得快些。。。 让我快些回到我该存在的地方。。。 。。。

Monday, January 30, 2012

Don't Give Up in You Life!


It is a real story happened in real life. In a Chinese modern dance competition on TV, one very unique couple won the top prizes. The lady, in her 30's, was a dancer who had trained since she was a little girl. Later in life, she lost her entire left arm in an accident and fell into a state of depression for a few years.
Someone then asked her to coach a children's dancing group. From that point on, she realized that she could not forget dancing. She still loved to dance and wanted to dance again. So, she started to do some of her old routines, but having lost her arm, she had also lost her balance. it took a while before she could even make simple turns without falling.
Then she heard a man in his 20s who has lost a leg in an accident. He also fallen into the usial denial, depression and anger type of emotional roller coaster. But she determined to find him and persuade him to dance with her. He had never danced and to "dance with one leg... are you joking? No way!" But she didn't give up and he reluctantly agreed thinking, "I have nothing to do anyway." She started to teach him dancing 101.
Both of them broke up a few times because he had no concept of using muscle, how to control his body and knew none of the basic things about dancing. When she became frustrated and lost patient with him, he would walk out. Eventually, they came back together and started training seriously.
They hired a choreographer to design routines for them. In the competition, you'll see how they dance and won the competition. It's really amazing. They are the excellent example for all of us. They proved that they can make it even they have disability on their body. What to say for us who are born perfectly without any disability.

Such a touching video isn't it? I have watched it for few times and it never fails to make me cry every single time when I watch it.

After the story and the video, the main point to tell is still APPRECIATE WHAT YOU HAVE, DON'T GIVE UP IN YOUR LIFE!

mini Lobster, DON'T EAT, Can Die!

Please alert of this food item...

It may infect your lung.

Do not eat these mini lobster.

These mini crustaceans are literally the grabage cleaners in thesewage treatment plant.

The "dirtie" the water, the fatter these mini lobsters become. Their lungs are full of worms and their flesh saturated with poisomous metals.

Unscrupulous merchants somehow found a way to get these marketed to eateries.

Do not order this dish.Pass this to those friends who may want to try these mini lobsters.